Same-sex marriage in New York

Legal recognition of
same-sex relationships


South Africa

Performed in some jurisdictions

Mexico: Mexico City
United States: CT, DC, IA, MA, NH, NY, VT, Coquille, Suquamish

Recognized, not performed

Aruba (Netherlands only)
Curaçao (Netherlands only)
Mexico: all states (Mexico City only)
Sint Maarten (Netherlands only)
United States: CA (conditional), MD

Civil unions and
registered partnerships

Czech Republic
- New Caledonia
- Wallis and Futuna

Isle of Man
New Zealand
United Kingdom

Performed in some jurisdictions

Australia: ACT, NSW, QLD, TAS, VIC
Mexico: COA
United States: CA, CO, DE, HI, IL, ME, NJ, NV, OR, RI, WA, WI

Unregistered cohabitation



Recognized in some jurisdictions

United States: MD

See also

Same-sex marriage
Same-sex marriage legislation
Timeline of same-sex marriage
Recognition of same-sex unions in Europe
Marriage privatization
Civil union
Domestic partnership
Listings by country

LGBT portal

Same-sex marriage in the U.S. state of New York became legal on July 24, 2011, under the Marriage Equality Act, which was passed by the New York State Legislature on June 24, 2011 and signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo on the same day.[1][2] The Marriage Equality Act does not have a residency restriction, as some other states do, and allows religious organizations to decline to officiate same-sex wedding ceremonies.[3]

In 2006, the New York Court of Appeals ruled that the New York state constitution does not require same-sex marriage rights and left the question of recognition to the legislature.[4] Following the 2006 Court decision, the New York State Assembly passed same-sex marriage legislation in 2007, 2009, and 2011. However, the New York Senate rejected same-sex marriage legislation in a 38–24 vote on December 2, 2009.[5] After negotiations between Republican members of the Senate and Governor Andrew Cuomo, regarding protections against discrimination lawsuits for religious groups and non-profit organizations, the bill passed the State Senate by a vote of 33–29.[3] The law took effect on July 24, 2011.[1]



New Paltz marriages

On February 27, 2004, New Paltz Mayor Jason West married 25 same-sex couples before a cheering crowd in front of the New Paltz Village Hall. Not long thereafter, the Ulster County District Attorney charged West with nineteen misdemeanors in connection with these marriages.[6] A court later dismissed the charges against West, a ruling which the state appealed. Ulster County Court Judge J. Michael Bruhn ruled in favor of the state, reinstating the charges against West, arguing that this criminal case did not concern whether the state constitution mandates same-sex marriage, but rather whether West violated his oath of office in performing illegal marriages. The May 2005 charges against West were reinstated; these were dropped by the prosecutor on July 12. After Liberty Counsel filed a civil lawsuit challenging the validity of the marriages, a state court judge issued a permanent injunction barring Mr. West from solemnizing same-sex marriages.[7][8]

On February 27, 2004, Nyack, New York, mayor John Shields announced that he would recognize the New Paltz marriages and on March 1, 2004, Ithaca mayor Carolyn K. Peterson declared that she would recognize same-sex marriages performed in other jurisdictions.[9]

Two days later, then-Attorney General of New York Eliot Spitzer, a supporter of same-sex marriage, issued an "informal opinion" stating that municipal clerks should not issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples since the New York State Legislature had not intended for the Domestic Relations Law to cover same-sex couples.[10]

Court cases

Shortly after Attorney General Spitzer's informal opinion was issued, five separate lawsuits were filed contesting the constitutionality of New York's opposite-sex definition of marriage. At the trial level, four failed and one succeeded (though it was stayed and later reversed). At the intermediate appellate level, four failed and one was not decided. The cases were all rolled into one and heard by the Court of Appeals, the state's highest court, on May 31, 2006. On July 6, 2006, the Court of Appeals in Hernandez v. Robles[4] decided that New York law does not permit same-sex marriage and that there is no state constitutional right to same-sex marriage.

Following the Hernandez v Robles decision, the focus of the same-sex marriage battle shifted to the executive and legislative branches of government. During his successful campaign for Governor of New York, then-Attorney General Spitzer said that he would push to legalize same-sex marriage if elected,[11] and he proposed legislation to that effect to the state legislature on April 27, 2007. This legislation passed in the State Assembly on June 19, 2007, but died in the State Senate and was returned to the Assembly.[12]

In February 2008, the Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Fourth Department ruled unanimously in Martinez v. County of Monroe[13] that because New York legally recognizes out-of-state marriages of opposite-sex couples, it must do the same for same-sex couples. On May 6, 2008, the Court of Appeals declined to hear Monroe County's appeal.[14] In November 2008, Monroe County announced that it would not pursue any further appeals of the Appellate Division's decision.[15]

Legislative movement

Same-sex marriage legislation passed the New York State Assembly for the first time on June 19, 2007.[17]

On March 12, 2008, Eliot Spitzer resigned his position as Governor of New York.[18] Following Spitzer's resignation, David Alexander Paterson (then Lieutenant Governor of New York) was sworn in as the 55th Governor of New York on March 17, 2008 by New York Chief Judge Judith Kaye. On April 9, 2008, the new governor pledged that he would continue to push for same-sex marriage legislation. The new governor said he was "proud to have run on a ticket with now former Gov. Eliot Spitzer that was the first in the country to advocate for marriage equality and to win on that premise." "We will push on and bring full marriage equality in New York State", Paterson said.[19]

On November 4, 2008, the Democratic Party gained a majority in the New York State Senate.[20] Following the elections, three dissenting Senate Democrats declined to assure Senate Democratic leader Malcolm Smith that they would vote for him as Senate Majority Leader when the Senate convened in January 2009.[21] In December 2008, an agreement was allegedly reached between Senator Smith and the so-called "Gang of Three"; reports indicated that as part of the deal, Senator Smith agreed not to bring same-sex marriage legislation to a floor vote in the Senate during the 2009–2010 legislative session.[22] However, on December 10, 2008, Senator Smith announced that the alleged agreement with three Democratic dissidents had been abandoned, and confirmed that he would not pledge to hold off on a same-sex marriage bill in the upcoming session.[23] Senator Smith's decision placed control of the Senate by the Democratic Party in doubt, thus jeopardizing the passage of same-sex marriage legislation[24] (since the Senate Republican leadership is opposed to same-sex marriage[25]). After reaching an agreement with three Democratic dissidents, Malcolm Smith was voted Senate Majority Leader on January 7, 2009.[26]

A bill to legalize same-sex marriage passed the New York State Assembly a second time in 2009.[27] Later in 2009, Sen. Thomas Duane (D-Manhattan) claimed that he had lined up support from a sufficient number of Senators to pass same-sex marriage legislation,[28] though opponents disagreed.[29] Senator Malcolm Smith stated he would not put the bill to a vote until he was sure it would pass.[30]

While same-sex marriage advocates declared that same-sex marriage would pass the Senate by the end of June 2009,[31] the bill was not debated and voted upon until December of that year. On December 2, 2009, same-sex marriage legislation was defeated on the floor of the New York State Senate by a vote of 24 to 38;[32] no Republican voted yes, eight Democrats voted no.[33][34] The Daily News described the defeat as a "major blow", while The New York Times stated that the defeat "all but ensures that the issue is dead in New York until at least 2011, when a new Legislature will be installed."[33][34] Elected officials and observers opined that the results of a 2009 special election in New York's 23rd Congressional District—in which a Republican candidate who had voted for same-sex marriage withdrew her candidacy in the face of a challenge from a Conservative Party candidate—had an impact on the marriage vote in the Senate.[35][36][37]

In late 2010, before the January 2011 expiration of his term as governor, David Paterson reached out to members of the New York State Senate in an attempt to gauge support for the passage of same-sex marriage legislation during a lame-duck session of the Legislature; however, the governor came to the conclusion that passage of the bill during the lame-duck session was not feasible.[38] When asked what would have to occur in order for same-sex marriage to be legalized in New York, Governor Paterson responded, "Get rid of the lobbyists", and added that same-sex marriage advocates had forced a Senate floor vote prematurely in December 2009.[38]

Marriage Equality Act

On June 15, 2011, the New York State Assembly passed the Marriage Equality Act, a bill to legalize same-sex marriage in New York, by a margin of 80 to 63; this was a smaller margin of victory than three same-sex marriage bills had attained in the Assembly in prior years.[39] In the Republican-controlled Senate, three Democrats and two Republicans who had voted against the 2009 bill indicated their support for legalizing same-sex marriage. The Senate passed the bill on June 24 by a 33–29 vote with 29 Democrats and four Republicans voting in favor.[3] The Gotham Gazette reported that the Senate rules were changed by the Democratic conference to prevent Democrat Ruben Diaz, Sr., an opponent of same-sex marriage, from motioning to lay the bill aside for debate; the rules were changed again during the vote to ensure it would conclude in time to make the 11 pm EDT newscasts.[40] Furthermore, Sen. Kevin Parker alleged that on the evening of June 24, the doors to the Senate chamber were locked to prevent senators from leaving the chamber when the bill was voted upon.[41]


The bill's passage was celebrated by gay rights supporters both in New York and nationwide. The New York Times responded with an editorial backing the law saying, "New York State has made a powerful and principled choice."[42] Gay pride parades in celebration were held across the US.[43] Gay rights supporters expressed a belief that legalization in New York would lead to legalization elsewhere.[44]

The National Organization for Marriage pledged to spend $2 million in the 2012 elections to defeat the four Republicans and three Democrats who previously stated opposition to same-sex marriage but voted for the bill.[45] The Conservative Party of New York said it would withdraw support for any candidate who voted for the bill.[46][47] In addition to action from opponents in New York, the New York Times reported that the bill's passage spurred renewed activism from opponents in various places across the country.[46]

On July 12, 2011, the town clerk of Barker, New York, Laura Fotusky, resigned her position because she objects to same-sex marriage and thus would not sign marriage certificates for gay couples.[48][49] Her resignation came two weeks after another town clerk, from Volney, said she also objected to signing certificates but would not leave her position, saying a deputy clerk would have to do it.[50] The organization New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms said it would match the $25,000 salary Fotusky surrendered when she resigned.[51] Granby town clerk Ruth Sheldon did the same a few days later.[52] Ledyard Town Clerk Rose Marie Belforti made state and national headlines when she notified the Town of Ledyard that she would not sign gay marriage certificates due to her religious beliefs. Belforti later delegated marriage applications to a deputy. Same-sex marriage advocates and some town residents criticized Belforti for taking this action, and resident Ed Easter attempted to unseat her in the fall of 2011. Belforti was re-elected by a substantial margin.[53]

On July 25, 2011, New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, represented by Liberty Counsel, filed a lawsuit in the New York Supreme Court seeking an injunction against the Marriage Equality Act, alleging corruption and violations of the law in the process of passing the bill.[54] On November 18, 2011, Acting Supreme Court Justice Robert B. Wiggins ruled that the plaintiffs' case could proceed.[55] Justice Wiggins allowed the plaintiffs' claims under the Open Meetings Law, but dismissed other portions of the case. Justice Wiggins' opinion included the following: “It is ironic that much of the state’s brief passionately spews sanctimonious verbiage on the separation of powers in the governmental branches, and clear arm-twisting by the Executive on the Legislative permeates this entire process.”[56]

Recognition of out-of-state same-sex marriages

Prior to the passage of same-sex marriage legislation, there was litigation in New York courts regarding the recognition of same-sex marriage licenses from other jurisdictions.

In October 2004, State Comptroller Alan Hevesi indicated that the state's retirement system would recognize same-sex marriages performed outside New York State for purposes of state retirement and pension benefits. Not long thereafter, mayor Michael Bloomberg stated that he would ask that the city's five pension systems recognize domestic partnerships, civil unions, and same-sex marriages of city employees performed in other jurisdictions (such as Massachusetts, Canada, Iowa, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Vermont, Oregon, Maine, Hawaii, Colorado, Nevada, Wisconsin, Connecticut, California, the District of Columbia and Washington).

In February 2008, the Appellate Division, Fourth Department ruled that a same-sex marriage consummated in Canada should be recognized in New York. In Martinez v. County of Monroe,[13] the court reasoned that because out-of-state opposite-sex marriages that would not have been legal in New York nonetheless are recognized unless such recognition would violate the public policy of the state, out-of-state same-sex marriages must be similarly recognized. The Appellate Division reversed a trial judge's ruling in 2006 that Monroe Community College did not have to extend health benefits to an employee's same-sex spouse. Monroe County subsequently announced its intention to move for leave to appeal the decision to the Court of Appeals, New York State's highest courts. However, the Court of Appeals refused to hear the case on May 6, 2008, allowing the lower court's ruling to stand. In November 2008, Monroe County announced that it would not pursue any further appeals of the Appellate Division's decision.[15]

On May 29, 2008, Governor David Paterson directed all New York State agencies to begin to revise their policies and regulations to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other jurisdictions. Governor Paterson's directive cited the Appellate Division decision in the Martinez case, as well as several lower court rulings.[13] As a result of the governor's directive, New York became the first state that did not allow same-sex marriages, but whose state agencies recognized same-sex marriages performed elsewhere. In addition, same-sex couples in New York had the option to travel to states where same-sex marriage was possible to get married and have their marriages fully recognized by New York State agencies.

Governor Paterson's directive was challenged as both premature and unconstitutional in an Article 78 proceeding filed on June 3, 2008, against Governor Paterson by the Alliance Defense Fund on behalf of several state legislators and conservative leaders; this lawsuit failed at all levels. On September 2, 2008, Justice Lucy A. Billings, of the State Supreme Court in Bronx, New York, issued a decision that Governor Paterson acted within his powers when he required state agencies to recognize same-sex marriages from outside the state. Justice Billings found that the governor's order was consistent with state laws on the recognition of marriages from other jurisdictions.[57] The Court of Appeals agreed to hear this and another case on same-sex marriage recognition in 2009.[58] The Court decided these cases on narrow grounds, finding that the state acted within its authority without reaching the issue of marriage recognition; however, a three-justice minority would have ruled more broadly in support of marriage recognition.[59][60]

The courts have continued to rule that out-of-state same-sex marriages are valid—in particular, authorizing same-sex divorces[61][62] and conferring inheritance rights.[63]

Economic impact of allowing same sex couples to marry

The New York City Comptroller's office issued an updated economic analysis in May 2009 finding that New York State's economy could gain $210 million in the three years immediately following the legalization of marriage for same-sex couples.[64]

Polling on same-sex marriage

An April 2009 Siena poll of likely New York voters indicated that 53% of voters supported same-sex marriage and 39% opposed it.[65] The April poll showed that registered Democrats supported same-sex marriage by a 59% to 35% margin, while registered Republicans opposed it by virtually the same margin, 59% to 31%. A SurveyUSA poll from the same time period showed 49% of New Yorkers supporting Same-Sex marriage with 44% opposed.[66] However, a May 26 Siena poll indicated an even, 46%–46% split on the issue.[67]

According to a Quinnipiac University poll released on May 14, 2009, New York voters were evenly split—46% to 46%—on same-sex marriage.[68] The May 14 poll showed that same-sex marriage was opposed by majorities of African-Americans (57%–35%), Republicans (68%–24%), white Catholics (53%–39%), and white Protestants (55%–38%).[68] However, a Quinnipiac poll dated June 23, 2009 showed that New York State voters support same-sex marriage 51-41 percent, with eight percent undecided.[69][70] According to the June 23 poll, the proposal wins 52 – 42 percent support from white voters and 55 – 39 percent from Hispanics. African-American voters polled 43 percent in favor and 42 percent opposed.

In 2010, The New York Times estimated support for same-sex marriage in New York at 58 percent, based on projections from 2008 and a nationwide CNN poll in August 2010.[71]

An April 2011 Siena College survey found that 58% of New York voters supported the legalization of same-sex marriage, while 36% were opposed and 6% did not know or had no opinion.[72]

Following the passage of the Marriage Equality Act, a Marist Poll reported that 55% of New York adults supported the legalization of same-sex marriage and 63% did not want the law overturned.[73]


Timeline of civil suits for same-sex marriage

Hernández case

Shields case

Samuels case

Seymour case

Kane case

Legislative history

Session Bill number(s) Date introduced Sponsor(s) # of cosponsors Latest status
2009–2010 S04401 April 16, 2009 Sen. Thomas Duane (D-New York) 18 Failed in the Senate (38–24)
A07732 April 16, 2009 Assemb. Daniel O'Donnell (D-New York) 55 Passed the Assembly (89–52)
2011–2012 A08354 June 14, 2011 Assemb. Daniel O'Donnell (D-New York) 67 Passed the Assembly (80–63)[106]

Passed the Senate (33–29)[3]
Signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo[3][107]

See also


  1. ^ a b After Long Wait, Same-Sex Couples Marry in New York
  2. ^ At Clerks’ Offices, Girding for More Weddings
  3. ^ a b c d e f Confessore, Nicholas; Barbaro, Michael (June 24, 2011). "New York Allows Same-Sex Marriage, Becoming Largest State to Pass Law". The New York Times. Retrieved June 25, 2011. 
  4. ^ a b "Hernandez v Robles (2006 NY Slip Op 05239)". Retrieved August 14, 2008. 
  5. ^ Peters, Jeremy W. (December 2, 2009). "New York State Senate Votes Down Gay Marriage Bill". The New York Times. 
  6. ^ Kolker, Robert (March 8, 2004). "The Marrying Kind". New York Magazine. Retrieved September 20, 2008. 
  7. ^ "Liberty Counsel press release: Judge Issues Permanent Injunction Against New Paltz Mayor Jason West Ordering Him to Stop Illegally Solemnizing Same-Sex Unions". June 7, 2004. Retrieved July 20, 2008. 
  8. ^ Jesse M. Smith (February 27, 2005). "Year after New Paltz weddings, the honeymoon is over". Daily Freeman. Retrieved September 23, 2008. 
  9. ^ Crampton, Thomas; Michelle York (March 2, 2004). "Hoping Courts Will Address Same-Sex Marriage, Ithaca Begins Accepting Licenses". The New York Times. Retrieved October 17, 2008. 
  10. ^ "TIMELINE — Same Sex Marriage". National Conference of State Legislators. Retrieved September 22, 2008. 
  11. ^ Hakim, Danny (October 7, 2006). "Spitzer Vows to Push for Gay Marriage". The New York Times. Retrieved July 20, 2008. 
  12. ^ "Assembly Bill 8590". 
  13. ^ a b c d
  14. ^ "NY High Court Refuses Gay Marriage Case". May 6, 2008. Archived from the original on June 9, 2008. Retrieved July 20, 2008. 
  15. ^ a b [1]
  16. ^ "KEEPING HIS VOW: Man invites same-sex couples to wed at his Kingston chapel". Retrieved 2011-12-05. 
  17. ^ "New York Assembly passes gay marriage | News Story on". Retrieved 2011-06-27. 
  18. ^ a b Governor Andrew M. Cuomo
  19. ^ [2]
  20. ^ Gormley, Michael. "Democrats Take Control of New York Senate". NBC New York. Retrieved 2011-06-27. 
  21. ^ Scott, Brendan (November 13, 2008). "Gop Boss: We've Still Got Senate". New York Post. 
  22. ^ a b Confessore, Nicholas (December 4, 2008). "3 Senate Democrats End Holdout in Return for Power Sharing". The New York Times. Retrieved December 7, 2008. 
  23. ^ a b Hakim, Danny (December 10, 2008). "Senate Accord Falls Apart, Putting Leadership in Question Again". The New York Times. Retrieved December 12, 2008. 
  24. ^ a b [3]
  25. ^ [4]
  26. ^ a b [5]
  27. ^ Peters, Jeremy W. (May 13, 2009). "N.Y. Assembly Passes Gay Marriage Bill". The New York Times. Retrieved May 23, 2010. 
  28. ^ Blain, Glenn (June 1, 2009). "Gay marriage will pass state Senate, says Manhattan Sen. Thomas Duane". Daily News (New York). 
  29. ^ John Del Signore (2009-06-03). "State Senate Survey Suggests Gay Marriage Bill Won't Pass". Gothamist. Retrieved 2011-06-27. 
  30. ^ Melloy, Kilian (June 5, 2009). "Marriage Equality Debate Reaches Boiling Point in New York State". EDGE Boston. Retrieved June 9, 2009. 
  31. ^ "Governor pushes same sex marriage debate to front burner". Retrieved 2011-06-27. 
  32. ^ Dwyer Arce (December 2, 2009). "New York Senate rejects same-sex marriage legislation". JURIST — Paper Chase. 
  33. ^ a b Benjamin, Elizabeth (December 2, 2009). "Gay Marriage Fails, 24–38". Daily News. Retrieved December 2, 2009. 
  34. ^ a b Peters, Jeremy W. (December 2, 2009). "New York State Senate Votes Down Gay Marriage Bill". The New York Times. 
  35. ^ [6]
  36. ^ Vick, Karl (December 3, 2009). "N.Y. State Senate votes down gay marriage bill by wide margin". The Washington Post. Retrieved May 20, 2010. 
  37. ^ Hakim, Danny (November 6, 2009). "Marriage for Gays on Agenda in New York". The New York Times. Retrieved May 20, 2010. 
  38. ^ a b Kaplan, Thomas (December 1, 2010). "Paterson Gives Up Push to Legalize Gay Marriage". The New York Times. 
  39. ^ [7]
  40. ^ "Why Sen. Kevin Parker Got Mad". 2011-06-25. Retrieved 2011-12-05. 
  41. ^ "Why Sen. Kevin Parker Got Mad". 2011-06-25. Retrieved 2011-12-05. 
  42. ^ "Gay Marriage: A Milestone". New York Times. June 26, 2011. Retrieved 27 June 2011. 
  43. ^ "Gay marriage advocates celebrate from coast to coast". Mercury News. Retrieved 27 June 2011. 
  44. ^ "Gay marriage backers hope for national boost from New York". Politico. Retrieved 27 June 2011. 
  45. ^ "Nompacny.Org". Retrieved 2011-12-05. 
  46. ^ a b New York’s Approval of Same-Sex Marriage Spurs Opponents for New Fights
  47. ^ Wedding Crashers
  48. ^ Upstate NY town clerk resigns, citing religious opposition to gay marriage now legal in state
  49. ^ "N.Y. town clerk resigns before same-sex marriage law goes into effect". 2011-07-13. Retrieved 2011-12-05. 
  50. ^ "Volney, NY Clerk Doesn't Want To Sign Gay Marriage Licenses, Saying It's Against Her Morals". 2011-06-29. Retrieved 2011-12-05. 
  51. ^ Hamilton, Alec. "Cuomo: Clerks Against Same-Sex Marriage "Don't Get to Pick and Choose"". Retrieved 2011-12-05. 
  52. ^  . "Granby appoints new town clerk after Sheldon resigns over same-sex marriage licenses". Retrieved 2011-12-05. 
  53. ^ []
  54. ^ "Lawsuit filed over New York same-sex marriage law". 2011-07-25. Retrieved 2011-12-05. 
  55. ^ [8]
  56. ^ [9]
  57. ^ a b Confessore, Nicholas (September 3, 2008). "Court Backs Paterson Regarding Gay Unions". The New York Times. Retrieved May 23, 2010. 
  58. ^ . New York Law Journal. 2009.  Accessed Oct. 12, 2009
  59. ^ Leonard, Arthur S. (November 19, 2009). "New York Court of Appeals Rejects Two Challenges to Marriage Recognition Policies". 
  60. ^ Grossman, Joanna L. (November 24, 2009). "New York's Highest Court Upholds Benefits for Same-Sex Spouses in Narrow Ruling". 
  61. ^ [10]
  62. ^ Sanderson, Bill; Calabrese, Erin (October 25, 2008). "Ny Judge Oks Gay Divorcées". New York Post. 
  63. ^ Noeleen G. Walder All Articles (2009-02-04). "N.Y. Judge Finds Man Entitled to Inherit Same-Sex Partner's Estate". Retrieved 2011-06-27. 
  64. ^ [11]
  65. ^ Lovett, Kenneth (April 20, 2009). "Has gay marriage reached a tipping point in New York? Poll shows majority approve of gov's bill". Daily News. Retrieved May 8, 2009. 
  66. ^ "Results of SurveyUSA News Poll #15271". Retrieved 2011-06-27. 
  67. ^ Siena College Research Institute
  68. ^ a b Quinnipiac University – Office of Public Affairs. "New York State (NY) Poll * May 14, 2009 * Racial Split As New Yorkers Di – Quinnipiac University – Hamden, Connecticut". Retrieved 2011-06-27. 
  69. ^ Bases, Daniel (June 23, 2009). "New Yorkers supportive of gay marriage: poll". Reuters. 
  70. ^ Quinnipiac University – Office of Public Affairs. "New York State (NY) Poll * June 23, 2009 * New York State Voters Support – Quinnipiac University – Hamden, Connecticut". Retrieved 2011-06-27. 
  71. ^ Gelman, Andrew; Jeffrey Lax; Justin Phillips (August 21, 2010). "Over Time, a Gay Marriage Groundswell". The New York Times. Retrieved September 24, 2010. 
  72. ^ Siena College Research Institute
  73. ^ Majority Supports Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage…63% Want Law to Remain in Place
  74. ^ [12]
  75. ^ "N.Y. court reverses gay marriage ruling". USA Today. December 8, 2005. Retrieved May 23, 2010. 
  76. ^ "86-89opn06.wpd" (PDF). Retrieved August 14, 2008. 
  77. ^ Fernandez, Manny (May 22, 2007). "Legal Status Brings Security to Some Same-Sex Marriages". The New York Times. Retrieved May 15, 2009. 
  78. ^ a b "Bills". Retrieved August 14, 2008. 
  79. ^ "Matter of Langan v State Farm Fire & Cas. (2007 NY Slip Op 10438)". Retrieved August 14, 2008. 
  80. ^ Peters, Jeremy W. (July 7, 2006). "New York to Back Same-Sex Unions From Elsewhere". The New York Times. Retrieved April 29, 2008. 
  81. ^ "Topic Galleries —". August 13, 2008.,0,1837595.story. Retrieved August 14, 2008. 
  82. ^ Kenneth Lovett; Elizabeth Benjamin (May 29, 2008). "Bruno to fight gay marriage recognition". Daily News. Retrieved August 14, 2008. 
  83. ^ Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named; see Help:Cite errors/Cite error references no text
  84. ^ Craig, Gary (November 22, 2008). "Monroe County ends same-sex marriage challenge". Democrat and Chronicle. Retrieved January 2, 2009. 
  85. ^ Benjamin, Elizabeth (December 4, 2008). "Details Of A Leadership Deal". Daily News. Retrieved December 7, 2008. 
  86. ^ Peters, Jeremy W. (2009-04-16). "Paterson Introduces a Same-Sex Marriage Bill". New York State: Retrieved 2011-06-27. 
  87. ^ NY assembly passes same-sex marriage bill
  88. ^ Spector, Joseph (2009-05-13). "N.Y. Assembly passes same-sex marriage legislation". Retrieved 2011-06-27. 
  89. ^ Amira, Dan. "Can Joe Bruno Rescue Gay Marriage?". Retrieved 2011-06-27. 
  90. ^ "Joe Bruno Supports Gay Marriage?!?!?!?!!?". Retrieved 2011-06-27. 
  91. ^ "New York Legislature Expected To Vote On Gay Marriage Bill". Retrieved 2011-06-27. 
  92. ^ a b Peters, Jeremy W. (2009-11-10). "State Senate Delays Vote on Same-Sex Marriage Bill". New York State: Retrieved 2011-06-27. 
  93. ^ unknown (December 2, 2009). "State Assembly Vote Tally". Retrieved December 2, 2009. 
  94. ^ Peters, Jeremy W. (December 2, 2009). "New York State Senate Votes Down Gay Marriage Bill". The New York Times. Retrieved December 2, 2009. 
  95. ^ Confessore, Nicholas (2011-05-10). "New Bill Supporting Same-Sex Marriage Is Introduced in Assembly". Retrieved 2011-06-27. 
  96. ^ Wiessner, Dan (June 16, 2011). "New York Assembly backs gay marriage, Senate showdown next". Reuters. Retrieved 2011-06-27. 
  97. ^ Bargnes & Popiolkowski, Kevin & Joseph (2011-07-24). "Couple ushers in new era". The Buffalo News. Retrieved 2011-07-31. 
  98. ^ a b "Hernandez v Robles (2005 NY Slip Op 25057)". Retrieved August 14, 2008. 
  99. ^ "Matter of Shields v Madigan (2004 NY Slip Op 24393)". Retrieved August 14, 2008. 
  100. ^
  101. ^ "Samuels v New York State Dept. of Health (2006 NY Slip Op 01213)". Retrieved August 14, 2008. 
  102. ^ "Seymour v Holcomb (2005 NY Slip Op 25070)". Retrieved August 14, 2008. 
  103. ^ "Seymour v Holcomb (2006 NYSlipOp 01215)". Retrieved August 14, 2008. 
  104. ^
  105. ^ "Matter of Kane v Marsolais (2006 NYSlipOp 01214)". Retrieved August 14, 2008. 
  106. ^ David Badash. "Same-Sex Marriage: New York Assembly Passes Marriage Equality Bill – Details". The New Civil Rights Movement. Retrieved 2011-06-27. 
  107. ^ ""NY becomes 6th US state to legalize gay marriage"". 2009-03-19. Retrieved 2011-06-27. 

External links